Create OCO Orders

You can create two or more entry orders and then join them into OCO using just one call.

To create an OCO order:

1) Create an IO2GValueMap and specify only one parameter:

Parameter name




const char *

The command. Must be CreateOCO.

The field is obligatory.

2) Create an IO2GValueMap for each entry order you want to create and fill it as for a regular entry order.

3) Append each entry order value map to the main value map using the IO2GValueMap.appendChild method.

4) Pass the main IO2GValueMap to the IO2GRequestFactory.createOrderRequest method.


1) Only entry orders can be joined into OCO. However, entry orders with attached stops/limits, either regular or ELS, can be joined into OCO.

2) All entry orders must be created for the same account.


The createOrderRequest method will return the list of request IDs for each entry order created. So, if 3 entry orders are created - 3 request IDs separated by commas (,) will be returned. Moreover, if any of the orders is an ELS order, 3 request IDs will be returned per each ELS order inside the OCO.

Example: Create an OCO order [hide]

  void CreateOrderSample::prepareParamsFromLoginRules(IO2GLoginRules *loginRules)
      mParams = new OrderCreationParam();
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GResponseReaderFactory> factory = mSession->getResponseReaderFactory();
      // Gets first account from login.
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GResponse> accountsResponse = loginRules->getTableRefreshResponse(Accounts);
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GAccountsTableResponseReader> accountsReader = factory->createAccountsTableReader(accountsResponse);
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GAccountRow> account = accountsReader->getRow(0);
      // Store account id
      mParams->mAccountID = account->getAccountID();
      // Store base amount
      mParams->mBaseAmount = account->getBaseUnitSize();
      // Get offers for eur/usd
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GResponse> offerResponse = loginRules->getTableRefreshResponse(Offers);
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GOffersTableResponseReader> offersReader = factory->createOffersTableReader(offerResponse);
      for (int i = 0; i < offersReader->size(); i++)
          O2G2Ptr<IO2GOfferRow> offer = offersReader->getRow(i);
          if (_stricmp(offer->getInstrument(), "EUR/USD") == 0)
              mParams->mOfferID = offer->getOfferID();
              mParams->mAsk = offer->getAsk();
              mParams->mBid = offer->getBid();
              mParams->mPointSize = offer->getPointSize();
  void CreateOrderSample::prepareParamsAndCallOCOOrders(const char *offerID, const char *accountID, int amount, double pointSize, const char * buySell)
      bool bBuy = strcmp(buySell, O2G2::Buy) == 0;
      double rate = bBuy ? mParams->mAsk : mParams->mBid;
      double amendment = 5 * pointSize;
      if (strcmp(buySell, O2G2::Buy) == 0)
          rate -= amendment;
          rate += amendment;
      createOCO(offerID, accountID, amount, rate, buySell, 3);
  void CreateOrderSample::createOCO(const char *offerID, const char *accountID, int amount, double rate, const char * buySell, int iOrdersCount)
      using namespace O2G2;
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GRequestFactory> factory = mSession->getRequestFactory();
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GValueMap> mainValueMap = factory->createValueMap();
      mainValueMap->setString(Command, Commands::CreateOCO);
      for (int i = 0; i < iOrdersCount; i++)
          O2G2Ptr<IO2GValueMap> valuemap = factory->createValueMap();
          valuemap->setString(Command, Commands::CreateOrder);
          valuemap->setString(OrderType, Orders::LimitEntry);
          valuemap->setString(AccountID, accountID);          // The identifier of the account the order should be placed for.
          valuemap->setString(OfferID, offerID);              // The identifier of the instrument the order should be placed for.
          valuemap->setString(BuySell, buySell);              // The order direction ("B" for buy, "S" for sell)
          valuemap->setDouble(Rate, rate);                    // The rate at which the order must be filled (below current rate for Buy, above current rate for Sell)
          valuemap->setInt(Amount, amount);                   // The quantity of the instrument to be bought or sold.
          char customID[32];
          sprintf_s(customID, 32, "OCO_LimitEntry_N%d", i + 1);
          valuemap->setString(CustomID, customID); // The custom identifier of the order.
      O2G2Ptr<IO2GRequest> request = factory->createOrderRequest(mainValueMap);
      for (int i = 0; i < request->getChildrenCount(); i++)
          O2G2Ptr<IO2GRequest> childRequest = request->getChildRequest(i);
          mActions[childRequest->getRequestID()] = deleteOrderAction;
