Change Strategy or Alert Parameters


This section describes how to change a strategy or alert.


To change the parameters of a strategy or alert:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. The Strategy or Alert Parameters dialog box appears.

  3. In the Name box, type the name of your price alert if necessary.

  4. The Symbol box shows the symbol of the chart. Choose another symbol of the price alert if necessary.

  5. Specify the price alert parameters:
  6. Specify the price alert notification:
  7. Click OK.

Once you click OK, the price alert is automatically started and a line with a label appears on the level of the alert price by default. You can change the options for the colors of price alert lines. See Price Alerts Options.

You can also open the dialog box for changing strategy or alert parameters from the Configure Strategies and Alerts dialog box:

  1. On the Alerts and Trading Automation menu, click Configure Strategies and Alerts.

    * In the FX Trading Station, the command is available on the Alerts and Trading Automation menu.
  2. The Configure Strategies and Alerts dialog box will appear.

  3. Do one of the following:

The Strategy or Alert Parameters dialog box will appear.
